Save Our Stages

Client: Jägermeister & The National Independent Venue Association

Agency: Night After Night

Roles: Art Director, B-Cam Photographer

Jägermeister set out to help save the independent music venues of the nation by donating $1 million dollars to NIVA’s emergency relief fund. Together they launched a collection of stories from the unsung heroes of the small venues that make up the U.S. in a campaign centered around “Our stages, Our stories”.

Rolling out with a national :30s spot with the CTA to save our stages.

Accompanied by localized digital spots - including bite sized social videos, portraiture photography and long form doc style interviews with drag queens, bartenders, audio engineers, DJ’s, night managers - anyone and everyone of the local venues.


Venue: House Of Yes

Talent: Pixel the Drag Jester

Production Team: resonant productions

Creative Director: Rebecca Lysen

Photographer: Alice Plati